Ryan Muetzel, Principal Investigator

Ryan studied psychology and biology at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN. In 2012 he moved to Rotterdam, the Netherlands for his PhD, where he studied epidemiology and population neuroscience in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry /Psychology at the Erasmus MC University Medical Center. Ryan is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychology where he leads the Integrative and Precision Neuroimaging Lab and the Generation R Neuroimaging Initiative.
Fer Estévez-López, Postdoctoral Fellow

As a postdoctoral researcher (LEaDing Fellows; Marie-Sklodowska-Curie COFUND Programme), Fer joined the Integrative and Precision Neuroimaging Lab in 2019. His research focused on the causes and consequences of medically unexplained physical symptoms. He is currently studying the longitudinal association of dynamic functional connectivity with the symptoms in children and adolescents from the general population using data from the Generation R Study.
Mónica López-Vincente, Postdoctoral Fellow

Mónica studied Psychology and Neurosciences in Barcelona. She carried out her PhD thesis at ISGlobal, where she gained experience in Epidemiology. In 2019, Mónica was awarded by the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie COFUND Programme LEaDing Fellows to work on a project about dynamic functional brain connectivity from a developmental perspective at the Integrative and Precision Neuroimaging Lab. In addition to study the brain, Mónica also loves to cook and to spend time with her two cats.
Maria Rodriguez-Ayllon, Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Rodriguez-Ayllon earned her PhD in Biomedicine (Physical activity & Brain health) from the University of Granada (Spain) in 2020. Currently, She is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Epidemiology at Erasmus MC. Her research focuses on exploring the relationship between physical activity and brain health in different populations. Additionally, She is interested in the potential mechanisms through which physical activity might have a positive effect on brain health indicators across the lifespan. In her free time, María enjoys practicing yoga, traveling, spending time with her friends/family, and reading.
Lorenza, Graduate Student

Lorenza is a PhD fellow investigating the neurobiology of anxiety and depression across childhood and adolescence, in the Generation R and Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Studies. In particular, she focuses on the themes of bi-directionality of psychiatric neuroimaging and risk factors in brain maturation. She also coordinates the Rotterdam site of the R.I.O.T. Science Club (riotsciencenl.com), an initiative providing training in open research. Her background is in psychology, behavioural genetics, and epidemiology
Bing Xu, Graduate Student

Bing is a PhD student with a background in developmental and computational psychology. She is interested in applying advanced statistical techniques in neuroimaging data to address the heterogeneity of child psychopathology. She is currently working on identifying the biotypes of children’s ADHD via brain connectivity using machine learning algorithms.
Michelle Kusters, Graduate Student

Michelle Kusters is a Medical Doctor from the Netherlands, who joined the team in October 2020 as a predoctoral fellow from ISGlobal, Barcelona. She works on a collaborative PhD project between ISGlobal and the Erasmus MC, which focusses on the influence of environmental pollutants on neurodevelopment in children. Michelle obtained a Bachelor and Master degree in Medicine from Maastricht University. In her studies she specifically focused on Tropical Medicine, Neurology and Psychiatry. To further expand her knowledge, she thereafter obtained a Master in Global Health at Maastricht University. In 2017 – 2018, Michelle was part of the board of the MUSTANGH Foundation, during which she focused on strengthening medical education within the West Gonja Hospital in Damongo, Ghana. In her free time Michelle likes to practice music, and enjoy outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking and climbing.
Caro Gaiser, Graduate Student

Caro is a PhD student investigating motor control and motor learning at the Department of Neuroscience and in the Generation R study. Her research focuses on finding factors that can explain differences in motor learning between individuals using behavioral, electrophysiological, neurostimulation, and neuroimaging methods. She is particularly interested in the Cerebellum, a brain structure that has mainly been implicated in motor control in the past but whose considerable role in non-motor domains and neurodevelopmental disorders is becoming more and more evident.
Nienke Dijkstra, Graduate Student

Nienke is a PhD candidate with a background in Econometrics. She obtained her Bachelor and Master degree at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Thereafter, she started her PhD in 2017 affiliated to both the Erasmus School of Economics and the epidemiology department at the Erasmus Medical Center. Her research focusses on applying advanced statistical techniques on neuroimaging data. Currently, she works on a project predicting IQ from the brain using data from both the Generation R and Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study.
Jonathan Krikeb, Data Manager

Rosa Mulder, Postdoctoral Fellow
Sander Lamballais, Graduate Student
Simone Koenraads, Graduate Student
Suzanne Louwen, Graduate Student
Laura Perez (Graduate Student)
Jeroen van den Dorpel, Graduate Student
Patricia Duart, Msc Student
Janel Kwok, Msc Student)
Abdelkarim el Ghani (msc Student)
Marloes de Vries (msc Student)
Kirsten Ellens (msc student)
Jolien Schuurman (msc student)
Melvin Hazeleger (msc student)